HRM/HRD/Higher Education

Atatsi, E.A., Curșeu, P. L., Stoffers, J., & Kil, A. (2022). Learn in Order to Innovate. An Exploration of Individual and Team Learning as Antecedents of Innovative Work Behaviours in Ghanaian Technical Universities. Sustainability.
Eli Ayawo Atatsi, Jol Stoffers, Ad Kil, (2020). Factors affecting employee performance: a systematic literature review. Journal of Advances in Management Research,
Atatsi, E. A., Curseu, P. L., Stoffers, J., & Kil, A. J. (2019). Leader–Member Exchange, Organizational Citizenship Behaviours and Performance of Ghanaian Technical University Lecturers. African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 14(1), pp. 25-34, January, 2020 DOI: 10.5897/AJBM2019.8884
Gardner, R., Kil, A. J., & Van Dam, N. (2019). Research opportunities for determining the elements of early trust in virtual teams. Management Research Review. Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 350-366.
Jaques: Time Span of discretion
Het beroemde model van Elliott Jaques
Rondom onderzoeksleerlijnen in het HBO
Handig overzichtje van wat (in een bepaalde periode) zoal geschreven is over Onderzoeksleerlijnen en onderbouwingen daarvan in het HBO
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